Mental health education is extremely important for our young people. Positive mental health is part of their overall health and is inextricably linked with well-being.
With the stress of exams, peer pressures and bullying, school can be a difficult time that can take a toll on a young person’s mental well being. Building their confidence to withstand whatever life throws at them can be a challenge but it’s one where schools can help. The Amber Flag is a mental health initiative designed to help schools promote positive mental health within the educational system.

Holy Family’s Amber Flag Committee was first set up in 2016 and has grown from strength to strength ever since. We were awarded our flag within the first year and we have been successful in maintaining it ever since. The staff and 24 students from every year group in the school have worked together over the years to raise important funds for Pieta House.
From decorating our school community, setting up noticeboards, designing t-shirt’s and pens to promote our annual message, making a movie filmed by TV3 and having an annual talent show, we have managed to raise more than €15,000 for Pieta House to date!
Our Wellbeing Week for 2022/23 will be taking place from 27th February to 3rd March, and we can’t wait!