Holy Family Community School received good news when the charity Concern Worldwide informed them that they had been nominated for two separate Concern Volunteer Awards and that the judges awarded both categories to the School. The School of the Year Award was awarded to Holy Family Community School and the Fundraising Teacher category was awarded to Noel McConnell coordinator for Concern fundraising in the School. The awards are a small gesture of recognition for the exceptional support the School has shown with their commitment to fundraising for Concern. In 2015 the school was awarded a trip to Ethiopia for their successful fundraising and in the past four years alone the School has raised almost €45,000 and over €500,000 since the Schools foundation 36 years ago. It’s a tradition that the school is very proud off. The awards were presented during a ceremony in the Concern Dublin office on Saturday May 26th. Congratulations to the whole school community.
Photographs by kind permission of Jason Clarke Photography.